Integrate with Byner

Do you spend so much time frustratingly retrieving and entering the financial business data of your customers and prospects? Did you know that technology exists that enables you to enrich all important contacts with financial and Chamber of Commerce (KvK) information at the push of a button?
Byner has an integration with, a super handy app that ensures that you always have up-to-date and correct data on your contacts, even on their financial situation and creditworthiness, for example. Because the app is linked to Byner, your customer data are automatically updated and you can start working with them right away. This app integration offers important advantages.
#1 In-depth CRM insight into the companies you do business with
With the up-to-date financial information from you can take your CRM to the next level at a stroke by gaining insight into the financial performance and creditworthiness of customers and prospects. This way you can easily determine with whom you do business and whether it is worth pursuing a lead or not.
#2 Get in touch with the decision-maker
Furthermore, you want to get information about the corporate structure of your (potential) customers and find out who the decision-makers are. So that you know who to contact. The app provides you with up-to-date information and, if you wish, even gives you insight into the corporate structure and shareholders.
#3 Filter out erroneous data and correct it automatically
Cleaning up your CRM is a hell of a job. At least, if you have to do it manually. Thanks to’s connected APIs, each new customer profile is enriched with the desired company data upon entry. This prevents duplicate customer profiles and keeps Byner up-to-date.
“We found that our CRM contained quite a lot of erroneous data, such as duplicate contacts, typos and incomplete address data. This was costing us a lot of time and it is simply not pleasant to work with. Also, if your data is not in order, your reports won’t be accurate either.”
#4 Great time savings, increased efficiency and fewer errors, for only a few euros per license
Buying up KVK extracts can cost you a lot of money. Another big advantage of the app is that your contract management staff spend less time collecting, completing and storing company data. The app is also a lot easier to work with, because who doesn’t want to spend less time on administration and make fewer mistakes?
The app offers great value for money. For a few euros per licence, the data is automatically loaded into Byner.
Of course, your sales team will also benefit greatly from using the app. They spend less time entering a new customer profile and also see whether a customer is already in the system.
“Contractmanagement had to fill in relevant business data for each account one by one. Now everything is loaded automatically in a few seconds.”
#5 Always be ahead with current customer news
An interesting feature of the app is that it notifies you of current news about your customers and prospects. Extremely relevant, because this contributes to good preparation and you can approach leads at the right time with the right message.
Dennis Kauwenbergh: “A nice bonus. It was not the primary reason for us to use the app, but now that we have the information at our disposal, we can obviously make good use of it.”
From a Byner perspective, we are pleased with the value addition of the app. Efficiency and compliance are key drivers for Byner and the app contributes to this very well. We can conclude that in the field of contract management, you save a lot of time, for example, you don’t have to perform as many actions to find out company data and creditworthiness. And you can immediately determine with whom you do business. You also reduce the number of incorrectly entered data, because they are automatically loaded with the app. So you can run better reports.
Are you curious what Byner in combination with the app can do for your business? Then take a look here: