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At Byner, you can expect a complete end-to-end experience for clients, talent, and internal users.


Byner is much more than an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and CRM. It is the fastest-growing total solution for offices in staffing, project sourcing, and recruitment in the Benelux region. Complete with search & match, recruitment marketing technology, and contract, hours, and invoicing administration.


Listen to the Podcast on Recruitment Tech (Dutch)
Stijn-Vangenechten Byner
Crisis in Flex? This is how you regain control


Are you always one step ahead of the competition as an agency? What really sets you apart? Staffing analytics are crucial here. Learn how to steer with control & insight and shift from reporting to proactive adjustment and forward planning.


Read the Dutch article on Werf&
How to make all that recruitment technology work for your agency?


Sure, having nice features helps. But if you want your clients to actually use your recruitment technology and derive real value from it, you need more, as Byner knows. ‘The best thing is if we can grow together.’


Read the whole interview on Werf&
Webinar Week Joram
How recruiters increasingly benefit from growth hacking


Growth hacking started as a way for start-ups to achieve a lot with little manpower and budget. Now it enables recruiters to set up a recruitment campaign on a Friday afternoon that yields candidates by Monday morning.

Read the interview on Werf&
Growth Hacking
Calco case: From disparate systems and Excel sheets to one platform


In this interview, Cynthia Mourits (Recruitment Manager) and Johan Tangerman (Admin Salesforce) from Calco discuss the talent 360 approach and the results of their digital transformation with Byner.


read the article on Recruitment Tech
Recruitment marketing campaign automation for Facebook and Instagram (Jobrock/Byner)


Recruiters can now quickly and easily set up, launch, and optimize social media campaigns themselves. Result: 40% to 60% qualitative inflow. Read about the recruitment tool from Jobrock/Byner submitted for the Recruitment Tech Awards 2022.


Read the article on Recruitment Tech
Joram Timmerman (Byner): 'Easily surfing along with new standards on the Salesforce platform'

Interview (audio)

“The basis of Byner is that it is an application made for and by parties in labor mediation,” says Joram Timmerman. “For the Recruitment Tech Survey 2022, Martijn Hemminga (founder of conducted this podcast interview with Joram Timmerman.

Listen to the Podcast on Recruitment Tech
Ine Moens: 'Talent scarcity is the number 1 challenge'


Byner was one of the suppliers that presented their tools at Demo_Day in Mechelen on June 2. During this third edition, Ine Moens, Account Executive, provided the demo pitch, and in the interview below, she gave a sneak peek.


Read the interview on Recruitment Tech
Joram Timmerman: “With automation, you increase your productivity, engagement, and compliance”


How do you, as a recruiter/staffing agency, always find suitable professionals in this extremely tight labor market? Smart automations are a powerful weapon here. Joram Timmerman showed three successful practical cases during the breakout at the Recruitment Tech Event 2021.

Read the interview on Recruitment Tech
Joram Timmerman Byner
Joram Timmerman (Byner): “Staffing tech will always involve human action”


Staffing agencies and recruiters face 3 major challenges: building a rich and sustainable funnel of clients and professionals, ensuring optimal productivity, and complying with laws and regulations. The right technology is crucial here.


Read the interview on Recruitment Tech
Joram Timmerman Co-Owner Byner
An app that manages front and back office? Byner promises it..


Startup Byner found a niche in the front and back office software market. Their package offers staffing agencies insight ‘from lead to alumnus’, claims co-founder Joram Timmerman.


Read the interview on Flexmarkt
How tech helps in successful staffing and recruiting: 4 tips


Byner shares tips with Recruitment Tech on how successful companies in labor mediation use technology. This allows them to be more productive and efficient, and regardless of volume, they can reach the right people in a timely manner and build personal and sustainable relationships with them.


Read the article here: Recruitment Tech
Nowadays, one thumb should be enough to apply


On Friday afternoon, as a recruiter, you set up a campaign yourself and on Monday morning, you find a mailbox filled with good candidates. At very reasonable costs. It may sound like the ideal world, but it’s not that far away anymore.


Read the interview with Byner and Jobrock on Werf&
Recruitment Tech Monthly: Now also front end with recruitment and ATS in Byner


In the summer of 2021, Byner launched new functionality around ATS, recruitment marketing, and automations. This greatly increases the productivity of consultants and allows for more placements in less time.


Watch the recording of Recruitment Tech Montly here
Joram - Webinar
Werf& Bureau Recruitment Live is over again. A brief reflection


Joram Timmerman, along with Rob Boersma from Jobrock, managed to captivate their audience with a story about automating the core processes of staffing agencies, from lead to invoice.


Read the interview on Werf&
'Every staffing agency wants a comprehensive view, from lead to alumnus'


Digitalization is also high on the agenda in the world of staffing agencies. But what determines success? In any case, the personal relationship with the candidate, says Joram Timmerman, who supports the core process of staffing agencies with the Byner app.

Read the interview on Werf&
Byner Logo's
LINKIT: continuing to improve productivity in a changing IT world


Chief Operating Officer Cornelis Lemstra explains how LINKIT transformed from solely an IT sourcer to a complete partner capable of solving complete IT issues.


Read the interview on Emerce
“Build a sustainable, consistent, and personal relationship with client and professional”


Byner is one of the three Startup Pitch winners to have won a spot at Demo_Day 2020. Co-Founder Joram Timmerman introduces the organization that provides contract management, time registration, and invoicing, using six questions as a guide.


Read the interview on Recruitment Tech
Everybody Loves Byner
How to successfully use content marketing for recruitment [case]


We now know that content marketing is very successful from a marketing or sales perspective. But did you know that content marketing can also be very effectively used for recruitment?


Read the interview on FrankWatching
Werken bij Byner - vacature

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